NovAbsorb, inert

Personnel-version of NovAbsorb, inert, immediate decontamination solution. See brochure of the NovAbsorb range NovAbsorb_eng_final_SeyntexEXT_24_06

NovAbsorb, inert, the first product in Topmark’s immediate decontamination portfolio and currently used as a training version in the Danish Army. NovAbsorb, inert provides unique absorption capabilities or a train-as-you-fight experience in decontamination training. Exists in personnel and vehicular version, customizable to meet end user requirements.

Utilizing the same unique Danish modified diatomaceous earth-formula as NovAbsorb, live agent, the absorption capacity is unparalleled.

NovAbsorb, inert performed significantly better in tests with military end users compared to other similar state of the art decontamination solutions. The results were an eye-opener for the capabilities of our modified diatomaceous earth-formula and resulted in further optimization and development of live agent version in a close co-operation with our innovation partner Seyntex.

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